
Push Send

There's no better feeling than publishing. Than putting your work out there. Than putting the pedal to metal and creating something that is out there in the real world.

Ideas are great. Strategy is great. But putting things out there is life giving. It builds energy. Momentum. Excitement.

As the Chinese saying goes, "talk doesn't cook the rice." You need to actually get out there and do.

The one fortunate element of my personality is that I'm not a perfectionist. I value publishing over perfect. That's why you've seen mistakes / typos / grammatical errors on this blog. I don't triple check. I don't agonize over getting the exactly right word or phrasing. I just push publish.

Because to me, it's better for things to be out there than not. It's better to get thoughts out of my head and into the real world than worrying if they're the right ones.

Why? Because the cost is low. The worst thing that could happen is someone reads an article, sees a post, listens to an episode of a podcast and doesn't like it. The worst thing that could happen is that nobody reads it. The worst thing that could happen is nothing.

So there's very little to lose. And the best thing that could happen is that what I publish gets read. Impacts someone's day. Impacts someone's week, month or year. That someone finds it valuable and passes it on to someone who needs to read it.

And regardless of those external reactions, I get to do something that I love - write. And I have the privilege of putting my thoughts on paper. I get to embrace the gift that writing gives me - an outlet of excitement.

So push publish. Push post. Push send.

What have you got to lose? Nothing.

- Christian