
What Creates Value

Investing creates value. 

Kindness creates value. 

Long term planning creates value.

But some stuff doesn’t. 

Meetings don’t create value. Communication does.

Annual reviews don’t create value. Regular feedback does. 

Defending the status quo doesn’t create value. Acting differently does. 

Opinions aren’t valuable. Facts are. 

Ideas aren’t valuable. Execution is. 

Snap reactions aren't valuable. Thoughtful responses are.  

Good intentions aren't valuable. Meaningful actions are. 

Generic advice isn’t valuable. Contextual examples are. 

Mistakes aren’t valuable. Learning from them is. 

Holding knowledge isn’t valuable. Deploying knowledge is. 

A single data point is rarely valuable. Patterns frequently are. 

Always on culture isn’t valuable. Rest and recovery are. 

The value you pull from the past is from your learning.

The value you pull from the present is from your performance. 

The value you pull from the future is from how you prepared today. 

And above all, value is created through action. 

- Christian